Custom Fine Furniture by Alan Young

Custom Fine Furniture by Alan Young
114 Woodward Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197
734 218-5803
For some time I been interested in the art Deco Style of Art Deco designer Jacques-Emile Ruhlmann. One of his signature design elements was the "Torpedo Leg"- seen in these four pieces.
I have been working some of his styling into a possible Fourth Cabinet for the Galen Mack Collection. This one could feature an oboe profile on the front- as Daughter no 4 is an Oboist. Any way here are some initial ideas.
I looked up "Maria" from West Side Story-This is what I found as far as the melody- I think it would be fun-as per your suggestion-to incorporate this in the cabinet design.  Here is a first run attempt. I have this next design in Amboyna Burl- The type of wood seen in the desk-You indicated you liked that wood...