This is a music stand completed in June 2018. The stand is a variation of the 2015 "Mancini" Music Stands built for the Salmagundi Club of New York City. This stand features an improved Desk Angle Adjustment Mechanism-designed by my father-Roland Young.
These stand is made from Cherry, Maple and Brass.
Finish is Black Furniture Paint and Shellac.
The new Desk Angle Adjustment Mechanism features a front activated- spring loaded lever that allows the use to shift the angle of music from flat-0 degress to straight up and down - 90 degrees and three angles in between.
The brass handle lever allows the user to lock and unlock the swivel feature.
The brass handle lever allows the user to lock and unlock the swivel feature. When the lever is pushed down the desk can be rotated 360 degrees or removed entirely from the brass extention pole.
When the brass lever is pulled up the desk is locked in place and will not rotate or be pulled off the brass extension rod.
This entire mechnism was designed and built by my father-Roland Young of Grand Forks, North Dakota