Custom Fine Furniture by Alan Young
114 Woodward Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197
734 218-5803

114 Woodward Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197
734 218-5803

Custom Fine Furniture by Alan Young
Woodward Woodworks 
Work is underway on the Sheet Music Cabinet. 
The main frame pieces have been milled and cut and the interior shelving is glued up.
Here the pieces are loosely clamped in position.
Behind the panels you can see the trim pieces that will line the panels, as well as the trim pieces for the shelf fronts.
The side panels have been veneered and the diamond inlays completed. A coat of shellac has been applied to the panels but the edges are left unfinished as trip pieces will be glued around the panel perimeters

Here the panels are being glued in place.
Next the trim moldings are glued to the frame and panel.
On to the drawer front and the door. 
Inaly is done on drawer front but I will add a trim around the perimeter