Custom Fine Furniture by Alan Young
114 Woodward Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197
734 218-5803

114 Woodward Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197
734 218-5803

Custom Fine Furniture by Alan Young
Woodward Woodworks
Side frames are fabricated and glued to the front columns.
Panels are glued in next.
Starting to look like something!
I milled up a lot of molding. Here it is being glued in place.
Now on to framing the center tiles
The center tile frames can be set flush to the case, or:
....the  center tile frames can be set  proud of the case.
Like wise--the corner tile frames can be set flush to the case, ...or....
the frames can sit proud of the surface....
Here is the corner with proud framing
Here is the center with proud framing and the corners with flush framing
Here is the center and corners with flush framing.
Here are a few more examples.....
My inclination is to set the center frames flush to the case work and the corners proud....
but it's your call....